Let us see the
examples of Hindu Succession as below.
a person, male or female, dies intestate leaving spouse, son and daughter as
direct heirs, then the self acquired property shall be divided into three equal
parts and each heir shall acquire one part or share.
he/ she left a spouse, two sons and one daughter. Then the property shall be
divided into four equal parts.
male dying intestate leaving his mother, a wife, a son, a daughter. The
property shall be divided into four equal parts and each heir shall get one
male left two wives, a son, a daughter. Then the property shall be divided into
three equal parts. Son and daughter shall get one part each and third part
shall be shared by both the wives equally.
Let us see some
other examples of ancestral property.
a man dies intestate leaving his wife, son and daughter as his only legal
heirs. The property enjoyed and left by him is a coparcenary one. The quantum
of share shall be different in this case. The property shall be divided into
three equal parts and these parts shall be distributed in the following manner.
part to the deceased
part to son and
part to daughter
one part had by the deceased shall be considered like his separate or self
acquired property, that is to say, the one third part of the property which
would devolve on the deceased shall be further divided in equal parts and each
tiny 1/3 shall be
taken by wife, son and daughter equally. It may be noted here that each heir
shall get some share absolutely. Mother is included as heir for the male member
Let us consider
two more examples.
the property is acquired by a female through her husband or father in law or
through her father and she dies intestate, the said property shall devolve on
the heirs as discussed above. In the absence of any such heirs, the property
shall return back to the origin through whom she got the property and from
there it devolves on the heirs of the origin.
is to say, if the female intestate left no heirs and acquired the property
her husband, the property shall devolve on the heirs of her husband.
her father, the same shall devolve on heirs of her father
are some class of relations listed in the Hindu Succession Act as class – I and
class – II heirs. The class – I heirs include mother, wife, son, daughter. If
any or all of these heirs predeceased, their wife and children shall inherit
the respective share of the property. If there is no class – I heir, then the
property shall devolve on the class – II heirs in the order mentioned below as
per the Act.
I. Father.
II. (1) Son’s daughter’s son, (2) son’s daughter’s daughter, (3) brother, (4)
III. (1) Daughter’s son’s son, (2) daughter’s son’s daughter, (3) daughter’s daughter’s
son, (4) daughter’s daughter’s daughter.
IV. (1) Brother’s son, (2) sister’s son, (3) brother’s daughter, (4) sister’s
V. Father’s father; father’s mother.
VI.. Father’s widow; brother’s widow.
VII. Father’s brother; father’s sister.
VIII. Mother’s father; mother’s mother.
IX. Mother’s brother; mother’s sister.
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